
Tutorials and references for working with the flat-file database.

Welcome to the documentation of the Optolith database!

There sites will cover a lot of questions you may have. Let’s dive in!


  • Git Workflow is a tutorial for Git and how we use Git. You don’t need to have any experience with Git or coding in general, but if you have, you’ll get through it way faster!
  • Setting Up an Editor … there’s nothing else to say what it covers.
  • Insertion Workflow is a guide on how to start inserting new content, what you need to know and watch out for.
  • Translation Workflow is a guide on how to start translating existing content, what you need to know and watch out for.
  • Testing tells you how you can test your work.


  • Conventions is a list of “coding” conventions you should follow.
  • Markdown is a small guide for text formatting in Optolith, which uses Markdown syntax to style text. You’ll get an overview as well as some do’s and dont’s.
  • Entities is an overview of all available entities, where you can check out specific ones and see what each property is used for. (Not finished, please use hover information in the editor and schema files instead)

External use